Thursday, September 17, 2015

Paul C. Woodward


CHAPTER 4   (Watch for future posting)


This book is my attempted to introduce what I have come to discover in my research on this matter of the heart and the subconscious mind. It is my purpose now to at least give some back ground to this study and experience, so that as it progresses you will be able to follow my thoughts.
Years ago, in moments of feeling helpless, I turned to learning how to use this area called the subconscious mind. The first book that came my way was a book by John K. Williams, called "The Knack of Using the Subconscious mind." This was a "how to do" book, which gave no consideration to God at all. It only revealed the power potential of the subconscious mind. Peter, the Apostle, in the book of Acts, encountered such a man as me then.  A young man desiring POWER, thinking that the power Peter possessed was from this ability to tap into the latent powers of the subconscious mind. Peter gave a strong rebuke to this young man in the following statement...."I perceive that you are in the bowels of iniquity, and in the gall of bitterness." (Acts 8:23) 
This very verse was used of the Holy Spirit to stop me dead in my tracks and reveal to me the error of my pursuit of power.  God had been attempting to get me to see things in my life, and I, in bitterness, sought to go around Him. I had sought a short cut to POWER.  I found in my experiments with that book, that this area of the subconscious mind is real and does have the power that is said of it.  Watchman Nee's book, "The Latent Power of the Soul" was only one of the many books that the Lord sent my way to correct me and guide me back to Him and His power, but not until many heartaches and moments of regret.  The damage was done. Its effects haunted me for years until by His sweet of grace was relieved.  I understand what Paul meant in the book of Romans (Rom. 1:28) when he spoke of a Reprobate mind. I have felt its effect on my mind. Reprobate meaning, "Using the mind for that which it was not intended."  God never intended that we, Independent from Him, use the great powers of the subconscious mind. To protect us, after the fall of Adam, a shroud of weak flesh began to form around the power of this area of our mind.  Yet, mankind, over the years found "Short-Cuts", back doors, to this hidden area.  We see it even today in this New Age movement.  Man showing great power by their being able to tap into this restricted area forbidden of God and demonstrated in the story of Angel with a flaming sword blocking its door. (Gen. 3:24)  You may sneak past the angel, but the sword of fire with surely burn you. 
I call myself ADDFIRE on the web, now you know why.  Fire has been added to my and brokenness... then surrender to His will to power....His way.  So, this warning goes to all who dare to follow this study.  The only purpose to learning about the subconscious mind is to bring us to a place of KNOWING what it is that we have to surrender.  It is not a study on using it independent from God. .  I have come to learn that its use was to be that of only a TRANSMITTER, not a receiver.  This defines an expression given to me...."God's power is THROUGH you, not TO YOU."  In this you can see how one would not want to try to contain such power, because what was intended to do good could be destructive.  One cannot be selfish with this and stop its must be through us, to those around us, from Him, and to His Glory.  You can see this expressed in Paul's experience with it..."Woe unto me, if I do not preach the gospel (good news of Christ in us the hope of GLORY and Power).

Let’s begin.  I will not clutter this study with to many references to Books and Authors.  Many times I would receive books in strange ways.  Their purpose was “ONLY” to give me a vocabulary which the Holy Spirit would, as scriptures says, “Give Spirit given words, to reveal Spirit given truths.”  One example of abuse was my going beyond just gaining words from John Williams book, and attempting to experiment with the principles of that book.
 So, I will share, many times without proving what I share, things that you may or may not already know.  Do not let those things that sound familiar to you cloud your thinking.  Reach beyond to new things in this study that you now may not know.
This area of the human subconscious mind is an area of higher vibration; that area of the human mind that has the capacity to make God contact, who dwells in an area beyond our lower area of vibrations. (Don’t let the fact that those of the New Age movement use this term “Vibrations” turn you off.  The Bible expressed it long before their twisted idea of it, though the Bible may not use the term “vibrations”, it is implied, something I will bring out in another chapter.)  It is said this way in scriptures....”If you would confess with your month, (conscious mind, starting lower vibration), the Lordship of Jesus Christ,....”AND”.... believe in your HEART, (initiate higher vibrations of the subconscious area of the human mind), that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Note, the area of the conscious mind, is heavy dependent upon the five human senses, whereas the Unconscious mind has the ability to reach beyond these limited senses.  Paul’s experience revealed this in this manner....”forever learning (conscious mind), but never coming to an Unconscious experience beyond mental capabilities.”    He continued to say in the previous text....”It is with the HEART (subconscious mind’s ability) a man believes, and can hear from God.  This hearing brings salvation, God Contact.   God, and His substance (faith) comes from this Unconscious ability to hear from God, and this hearing ability is initiated by the simple conscious effort, beyond our reasoning it possible, by its confession of our mouth, even in disbelief.  (You can see why the HEART must be cleansed “first” for this to occur.  At first, with our being cut off from God, what comes up out of the “abundance” of the heart is deceptive.  You do not want to follow this any longer; it must be surrendered, cleansed so that once this is accomplished by the Holy Spirit, out of your inter being will “FLOW” living water; the present condition of our subconscious mind blocks this flow.  This will be developed in later chapters.)

No one, from what the above is saying, can with their limited conscious mind, ever think they can hear from God.  Yet, they are not without an area of their mind which can.  God, as Solomon said, has SET eternity in the HEART of mankind; or, an unconscious area of the human mind that can reach beyond the seen into that UNSEEN, transverse from one reality to another.  So, it is truly with the heart (unconscious mind) that we can believe, once it is cleansed and not until then.

Know this, this area of the human Subconscious mind does not have in it the capacity to chose what is real or not real, right or wrong.  This is, as Paul said, “Our reasonable services.” (Rom.12).    It, the unconscious mind, when we choose to place a matter into it, will without judging the matter, make it possible;  we need only to initiate, with reasonable free will, to choose to speak what the human conscious mind sees in its limited surroundings as impossible......CONTACT WITH GOD.  Jesus Christ became the door, giving us the right to do so and is IN US.  That door is found in this area of the unconscious mind.  It is what we mean when we say, “He is in my heart.” (Note; I will be explaining deeper how the subconscious mind itself is not this door but only the way to this door).

One more added note.  With the reasonable service of the Conscious mind, we can also go with what the lower vibrations of this seen world says to us and thus place into our Subconscious mind this limitation, and so, it will enforce what we desire.  Paul warns against this by saying, “Look not (long gaze, fixed) upon the things seen, but the things not seen, for the things seen are only temporary (of a lower vibration), “BUT”...the things NOT SEEN (of a higher vibration) are enduring, the true reality, and the higher law that sustains these temporary lower laws and can, if we will initiate them, supersede the lower law when needed.”  So, what to that world is natural, to this world would be called a miracle.  What I am saying is NOT THE INITIATION OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS POWERS, but a surrendering of this for something GREATER.
This gives you the reader some idea of where we are going with this subject matter.  In chapter one we will address the sustaining ability of the Mind of God in comparison to the human mind cut off from God.


Some time ago I had requested, in words similar to this, “Father is it possible to have what has been done to my mind, realigned?  I didn’t know at that moment, nor did I know how to express it. I knew He understood my requested.  So I expected it to be done.
Well, weeks passed and I had forgotten about this request to Him.  This week my computer started acting up, so I did a defrag of my computer.  This was enough to remind me of my request.  With this reminder came this thought, “Tonight your request will be started.”
Well, I went to bed that night expecting who knows what.  I usually go to bed late but this night I was prompted to go early.  What occurred is one of those things that are hard to put into words.  I will simply say I could see in my mind all of the many unaligned areas of thought and links to a variety of emotions standing like towers or tall structures.  These structures began to change and exchange between one another, aligning in ways which again is hard to describe.  In the morning I felt and expressed what Neo said in the 2nd movie of The Matrix, “Something is different.”
As the day at work unfolded, I came to experience this “something is different.”  Thoughts which at one time triggered certain emotions, now weren’t there but others thoughts and emotions were.  A strange experience changing me, to where comments were expressed, not necessarily in words to me, but rather in looks from inmates in my unit at the prison where I work, a look of puzzlement, yet they didn’t verbalize this.  They knew and I knew “something was different.” Other changes over the week began to unfold.  But what I got was not from any effort on my part other then to make my request known and the Father choosing the right moments for Him to start this process.

I won’t say that it’s finished.  It would be like sitting and watching the Defragging of your computer running a total scan of your computer.  We usually don’t sit and watch it do that; although I did do this once when I first got a computer not knowing any better.  I sat there for hours watching it...crazy.  But this gave me an experience which the Spirit used to illustrate what He was doing.  I don’t sit and watch my computer run it’s defrag program any more, nor do I sit and watch what the Spirit is doing to my mind.  I let it run its scan in the back ground and go on surfing the web.  I go on surfing, living out the experience of its result, leaving the Spirit to do what only He can do.  Happy surfing! 


As I sat at work sharing this experience with my partner Zack, more insight unfolded to me.  I could see clearer what had and was still going on in my mind.  I remember and older version of the Defrag program in my old computer.  Zack mentioned it to me, of little color blocks on the defrag screen.  As files were relocated they would form clusters of the same color.  In the newer version of defrag, it was two horizontal graphs “before” and “after” defrag.  On these two graphs were lines of red, blue and green vertical lines.  As files were relocated these colored lines compiled together, some disappeared.  Those that disappeared were temporary files not deemed needed in the computer.
 I gained this thought from this: “When these deleted files, temporary files are removed, where do they go?  We know that even if you delete things in your computer and send them to the trash can of your computer, they are still there deeply hidden somewhere in your computer, that could be found and pulled up and could be used against you someday.  Makes you think?

Well, this was thrown into my mind, in my thoughts, to a spiritual application.  When it is said He forgives us of past, present and future transgressions, where do they go?  Well as the computer, they go somewhere, but where?  Where could they go and never be recalled to mind or used against us?  This text hidden in my mind arose to answer this:
 Col.  2:14 “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, NAILING THEM TO HIS CROSS.”  I saw in my mind, files upon files, unreadable because they were soaked in blood.  What a vision!  These things will never be read or used against me.

In this process that’s going on now in my mind, there are things I used to remember that now I can’t remember anymore.  Try as I may, they are gone, unreadable.  Yet now things once hidden behind all this unneeded temporary files stand out and are recalled with greater ease.  Think of this text in the book of James in light of what I have just shared…”Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.”  James 4:8.   My drawing nigh to God is seen in my request.  The cleansing of my hands was seen in my seeing I needed something done to my mind.  What happened to me was the answering of my request and the purifying (defragging) of my double mind, the subconscious story house.  Amazing!!


It’s all about energy; various forms, degrees and sources of energy; from the raw stuff

of the Unformed, all that we see throughout this Universe of ours, becoming manifested into

what we call the material world.  The supply is without limit from the Unseen.  To limit

ourselves to the seen in its various measures of energy expression, is our greatest problem.  Food

is limited as a source of  We can only eat so much, and the body can handle only

so much at one time, converting excess to fat and holding in reserve, which for many is not used

and accumulates.  Sleep works the same way.  It has its limits.  Too little deprives us, too

much is wasted.  What is the answer?

First we must come to understand that there are other sources of energy coming from the

Unseen; but let us for now just start with other sources in the Seen never considered.  Those

into spiritual New Age studies tap into these other sources......gaining energy from trees, plants

etc.; well and good....but their ideas of tapping Unseen sources are not this Unseen that I speak

of.  For example: A tree gains energy from the sun and tapping its roots deep into the earth.

They, in this New Age movement, tap into “this energy” that the tree has gained from natural

sources.   Yet there is energy “Beyond” the natural, beyond the material tree....something

Unseen.  It’s what I have come to know as “THE SPACES”.  The Spaces that hold the material

together and are where the TRUE SOURCE of all power resides.  It’s not for the carnal eye to

see or ear to hear.  It just “IS”.   We do not seek this with the eye or ear.  It is for the Unseen

only to reveal in Strategic moments, much like that moment of Christ on the Mount of Olives. 

Even then, it is only energy manifested in a lower form.  That form to which I flesh

can see or ever will see.  Not till we are transformed will we be able to clearly see it.  For now,

to know it is there, is enough.

So, it might appear to us now as “darkness.”  Out of that darkness, light shines.....note, this

light is a lower form of what is, but is not what truly is.  We see the light of our sun at a great is called a Light holder.   To clarify what I am driving at, just reword this.  The

sun is an energy holder, or compressed energy.  The material sun, appearing as a ball, a solid

object in the sky, is not solid at all.  Spaces surround it and infiltrate it as it does in all other

material objects. It is not the light holding sun, or the energy gathering tree that sets me free; it

is beyond me, beyond the sun and tree that I am free.  It is that unseen that sustains it all, yet

unseen.  It appears NOT.  Yet the form of the material is only an expression and image of the

unseen, not the unseen.

It is hard to place into words...words limited to what might be termed, a “3 dimensional

language.”   We have formed words to understand our seeable world.  We find it hard to

transcend this world in words.  And the word “UNSEEN” means in the minds of most to be

something not there, thus not seeable, yet, here we are not saying it isn’t there, we are only

saying that it is there, yet expressed into our material world through forms of compressed energy

coming from this Unseen.

   I hope what I have shared sets the stage of what I have been saying in the past and now even

more, when I have said we must reason back to this Unseen, yet unformed substance of

intelligence, I am saying we must get OUT of this material world, thus be labeled OUT OF

OUR MINDS.....using reason only as a launching pad to transcend beyond this limitation of

experience to gain an experience beyond our wildest dreams.

 Here is what I have seen to occur.  Note, I used the word, “seen.”  This appears as a

contradiction of what I have been saying.....really it isn’t.   When one reaches this Unseen, there

is no great experience, flashing lights etc.  Have you ever used the expression, “I am in the dark

concerning this matter.”  Well, you at that moment, unknown to you, have touch the outer limits

of the seen and are bearing down on the Unseen.  So near, yet so it is said.

Now this is what I mean by REASONING BACK.....back beyond what you know, to where

you get to where you don’t know the dark.   YOU ARE THERE!!!

Now when I have said you REASON FORWARD....this is when the flashes of light, and

experience in the natural realm begins.   It is the Unseen, expressing into the Seen what you

need in your world of the material....its only temporary, whereas what gave the expression

is Eternal.

So, when those who think being spiritual is seeing the aura of a tree or person, or who can

tap into the energies of a tree, (these things are there)......little do they know that they have not

reasoned back far enough and reached the Unseen.  What they are really doing is tapping the

natural expression of an unseen God’s thoughts being express via the creation and manifestation

of those thoughts at a lower reality.  Science calls this degree of vibrations. The Bible expressed

it this way, “Lovers of pleasures (emotional sensations, vibrations)…,more than lovers of God,

the source of all lower vibrations, superseding them and sustaining their reality, which without

this Higher sustainer would not exist.

So, we are at the end of this vibration; see you in the next chapter..........Paul


It is hard for us to sustain a thought in a conscious level for only a few seconds without other thoughts clouding out our original thought.  We hang notes, quotes, on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror or car dash in an effort to remember.  We tie a string on our finger only to forget why we tied it there.  But then again, without any conscious effort we seem to be able to remember things without conscious efforts...why?

This article will at least get us to understand why this is.  It is not intended to assist us in improving our ability to remember or retain thought.  But then again, it just might “unawares”.  As I have said, we know that it has occurred unawares, yet when conscious effort is applied, it fails us.  There is information to assist in our conscious efforts that I’d like to share.  Briefly, we must see that there are areas of the mind that have pacific responsibilities.  Not knowing this is the cause of our lack of sustained thought. 

Know this first - the conscious mind is not the area or responsibility of sustained thought.  Let me avoid “high-tec” wording and simply say, the conscious (left side of the brain) initiates thought, the mid-brain stores or rejects these thoughts.  If received, the frontal lobe of the brain “SUSTAINS”  it...and its power to do so comes from the right side of the brain (also called unconscious or subconscious mind)’s the POWER HOUSE to the mind, the servant of THE WILL of what we call “EGO” or OUR SELF.

With this in mind, you can see why EGO has to be dethroned in order to initiate real change.  Over the years Ego had willed habits, empowered by this power house of the subconscious mind.
Though we speak here of areas or divisions of the mind, it is one mind.  When dealing with the mind it must be dealt with as one.  Leaving any aspect out will produce failure.

Note!  The frontal part of the mind sustains and keeps your focus “YET UNCONSCIOUSLY”.  So, you can on a conscious level go about doing what is needed to be done moment by moment.  If what is sustained and focused on unconsciously, if this needs any attention, the subconscious mind will make you aware.  This gives you an idea of the human mind.  Remember, we were made in His image.  Can you image His MIND in comparison to our mind?  We will take a look at the mind of God as to its function in comparison to our mind.  Think on this matter of SUSTAINER.  It is said that God Created, Sustains His creation, and one day will consummate this material creation to a greater end or as I’ve used in my video series on Youtube, “The Ultimate Intention of God.”

It also says, “Through Him all things (material) hold together and consist.”   Also it is written, “Through Him, we live, move and have our very being.”  How does He hold all things together?  By the same means that He created it....THOUGHT; sustained thought.  Once again, image the sustaining power of such a mind.

I have said all this to get to this point that gives highlights of a later chapter I call, “It’s all about Energy.”   I had mentioned “The Spaces.” (The illustration used on the cover of this book).  Understand what I mean by this.  The SUSTAINER is the occupant of these spaces.  The spaces are perceived by us to be invisible, empty.  We call the seeable material world as reality, and the spaces as the Unreality.  Of course it is expected of beings like us to say this, being so long in this material reality. To claim anything else we would be considered crazy, beside ourselves, OUT OF OUR MINDS, spaced out, and a number of other remarks to give the idea that you have lost it.

To follow what I and others like myself are advocating you will have to get out of your mind and enter into these spaces.  “Where are they?” you might ask.  It is written,”it is in you.”  You have these spaces in your own mind.  The brain is filled with spaces. 

In the next chapter I will go off subject to give you the reader some clarity of what I mean by “Spaces” of the mind.  It is in these spaces that the TRUE POWER of God is expressed.  We are reaching for this power, not the human brain of conscious and unconscious abilities.  This is only a highlight of what is brought out more in my book, “In the Shadow of His Power.”
So, this brief chapter leads into the next, “Power in the Spaces.”